OXFORD DICTIONARY: New word inclusion. BUHARI /boo-ha-ree:/ Noun: buhari 1. hard, hardship, difficult, harsh, tough; e.g "The economy is now buhari for the masses" Synonyms: onerous, strenuous, arduous grueling, painful, hellish; Antonyms: easy, smooth, simple. Verb: buharify, buharicate, buharification; 2. to make complex, worse, unbearable; e.g "Please don't come and buharicate issues here" "The only way to reduce applicants is to buharify the process" Synonyms: complicate, exacerbate, degenerate; Antonyms: simplify, ameliorate. Adjective: buharific 3. terrible, hectic, difficult; Synonyms: tough, back-breaking, intricate, knotty, thorny; Antonyms: fantastic, splendid, pleasant. e.g "How were your final exams? It was buharific!!!" Credit: OluwaTosin Liam