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Save Me (Child Sexual Abuse)

I was barely six
Uncle said it won’t hurt
I am teaching you
He said
But you mustn’t tell a soul
Our little secret
Must be between us
If you speak
You’ll die!

I didn’t understand
I was scared!
I didn’t want to die
He played with my innocence
Took my pride away
Devouring me like a hungry wolf
Now I’m sixteen
He still comes to eat in his old pot.
But now,
His pot is spiced up
His hands finds no rest
It work its way up my breast
His mouth too
Cupped around my little nipples
Like a dog
He feeds upon me
And I can’t fight back.
He still repeats those same words;
You will die if you tell anyone.
I’m broken;
Each time he calls
It feels disgusting
I heard my friends say
Sex is sweet
But No!
Sex is bitter!
I hate to hear that word.
He said I’ll die,
But I’m not ready to die.
My heart has been seared
With a hot iron
My heart;
A wound left untreated
Hidden from everyone with a plastic smile.
My heart;
Not what it ought to be.
My heart;
Bitter and traumatized.
Come rescue me!
I scream within
But no one could hear me.
I’m turned into pieces
I can’t pick up the shred
I can’t mend the tear
And no one sees the tears.
Who will speak for me?
Who will stand to save me?
Who will expose my monster Uncle?
Who will understand my plight?
Who will be my voice?
I need help!
Can you see it on my face?
Please, come rescue
Girls who are being sexually abused.
Please, save another child
From living a traumatized youth.
Please, lend a voice to quell this ferocious crime.
Let’s say no to sexual abuse!


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