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HEALTH IS WEALTH: Self-Care Tips For Women

EAT HEALTHILY: This cannot be overemphasized. A diet rich in vegetables and fruits prevents heart diseases like heart attack and stroke as well as certain types of cancer. Therefore, eat foods that are rich in fiber, potassium, vitamins, and iron, and avoid those rich in high calories. In simple English, eat well-balanced foods.
OBSERVE RULES OF HYGIENE: Brush, floss, and was your body with water and soap regularly, at least twice a day; clean up your environment, toilets, and kitchen; vacuum, clean and mop the floor of your home regularly, preferably everyday; wash your vegetables and fruits very well before cutting and cooking then; trim your lawns; dispose of your refuse properly; and net your windows against mosquito bite.
EXERCISE REGULARLY: Physical excercise helps you lose weight, keeps you physically fit, and rid you of diseases.
GET HEALTH EDUCATION: Be educated on health matters. Read, ask questions, attend health seminars and surf the Net about health issues. Keep yourself abreast of recent development in the field of medicine.
GO FOR ROUTINE MEDICAL CHECK-UPS: Regular check-ups help you detect illness early and treat them.


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