Samsung Galaxy Note 7 has been launched in India at Rs 59,900 and will go on sale on September 2. The Note7 is being bundled with the Jio 4GSIM preview offer in India, which will offer voice, data, and SMS free for 90 days.
Samsung will start taking pre-registrations for the Note 7 from August 22-August 30 and for a special price of Rs 1,990, customers can also get the new Gear VR headset with this phone as well.
The Korean technology giant also unveiled the new Samsung Gear VR, Gear IconX wireless earbud and Gear Fit 2. Samsung Gear Fit 2 and IconX wireless earbuds are priced at Rs 13,990 and Rs 13,490 respectively. Samsung Gear VR can be bought separately at a price of Rs 7,290.
Samsung Galaxy Note 7 was globally announced on August 2 with iris scanner for security and a new S-Pen. The Galaxy Note 7 is the first Samsung smartphone to feature an Iris scanner, which is also the USP of the device. The iris scanner comes coupled with Samsung Knox to provide better security and privacy. Samsung claims the new Iris scanner is safer than fingerprint sensors found on most Android smartphones. The S-Pen an be used on the smartphone without unlocking the screen. Users can create and share GIF animations more quickly with the new S-Pen using the Smart Select feature. The new S-Pen has a smaller 0.7 mm tip.
Samsung Galaxy Note 7 comes with several new security features like Samsung Cloud, Secure Folder and fingerprint scanner. The Galaxy Note 7 is water, and dust resistant as is the S Pen. The Secure Folder in Galaxy Note 7 can be used to keep private information safe. It is a separate folder, which allows users to store their personal information at one place. The folder is protected by Samsung’s KNOX security.
Samsung Galaxy Note 7 sports a 5.7-inch Quad HD (2560 x 1440 pixels) dual edge Super AMOLED display. It runs Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow with TouchWiz UI. The Indian version of Galaxy Note 7 is powered by an Exynos processor coupled with 4GB RAM and 64GB internal memory. The internal storage is expandable up to 256GB via microSD card.
Samsung Galaxy Note 7 comes with a 3,500 mAh battery with fast charging technology. The smartphone supports wireless charging and has a Type-C USB charging port. However, Samsung promises to include Type-C to micro-USB adapters in the box.
The Gear VR has slightly changed in terms of design and has a wider 101 degrees field of view. There’s USB Type-C port as well as micro USB port for compatibility with other Galaxy devices. The dimensions of the Gear VR are 207.8(W) x 122.5(L) x 98.6(H)mm. It weighs 345 gm.
Samsung Gear IconXis a fitness earbud which connects to smartphones without wires. Also, there’s no wire in between the earbuds themselves. According to the company, Gear IconX will last about an hour and a half. Samsung Gear IconX earbuds come with a case that also acts as a charger for the earbuds. Samsung says its case provides up to two full charges, which means you always need to carry these cases.
Samsung Gear IconX comes with 3.5GB built-in storage. Each earbud has two microphones and are water resistant. It has sensors to track steps, heart rate and calories burned and syncs all the data with Samsung’s S Health app.
Samsung Gear Fit 2 is the successor of Gear Fit. It comes with an updated design, built-in GPS and recognises various activities and syncs the data with Samsung’s S Health app.
Samsung Gear Fit 2features a 1.5-inch curved Super AMOLED display with a resolution of 216 x 432 pixels. It is powered by a 1GHz dual-core processor coupled with 512MB RAM, 4GB storage and 200mAh battery. Samsung Gear Fit 2 is water resistant, and has an heart-rate tracker. There is also an accelerator, gyroscope and barometer. The fitness device is compatible with devices running Android 4.4 or higher with minimum RAM of 1.5 gigabytes.
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