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4.3million Children Born In Nigeria Every Year ; Let's Not Fail In Immunisation Than In Giving Birth

child immunization in nigeria
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In Nigeria, survey has it that the 4.3million of the 7million children born every year fail to get fully vaccinated before their first birthday.

To mark World Immunization week, 24th - 30th April, 2018, UNICEF will be a shining mantra on its work to immunize children across the globe.

Now let's consider some spine-tickling facts;

> What age of children should be routinely immunized?
> Are these children routinely immunized?
> What happens when children are not routinely immunized?

Now let's put some answers down.

(1). 9months would suffice. Nevertheless, it's before their first birthday. By now, exposure of the child would be emminent and other obvious and radical developments at that epoch.

(2). The people responsible for making sure that children are routinely immunised might do so to the limit of their abilities. Non-chalantly or meticulously. Houses might be skipped, out of insouciance or laziness. Check that.

(3). Sickness, ailments and other infections that could render the Homeostasis of a human body system deficient in immunity for a while, may be evident. At that epoch, the child's body is defintely not powerful enough to belabour some of these centuries-aged diseases. Thus, puts the child's health at stake and sometimes leaves an indelible mark of illness.

It is with the utmost urgency that i urge parents to take their children for immunisation now. Churches and clinics would be a prime ground for these operation.

Written by John Akweh.


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