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Why You Shouldn't Allow A Child Under 8-Years To Use a Phone

It is deadly.
Am talking consequences here. What do we know about phones? That they can browse, make call, send and receive sms, play games. But that's just a tiny speck of what a mobile phone can do.
Cell or mobile phones can be linked with aggressive behaviour in children, but that's not all. A study shows that a two-minute call can open the "blood-brain barrier", allowing toxins in the bloodstream to kill brain cells. How? Through radio waves ofcourse. What else were you thinking?
Even such a short call also disrupts electrical activity in a child's brain for up to an hour. What is the result? Impaired learning!
Radiation emitted by mobile handsets and relay towers (what we call masts!) can destroy brain cells responsible for memory, movement and learning. Wtf! Masts too?
What else? Brain tumors and cancers. You might be asking, ain't this also an impediment to adults too? Yes. But, what better care that to put your child's health first?


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