"My Pastor said this year is going to be my year, let him come and explain what he meant by that because i never see any goodluck this year"
He send that message by December. Truly, do you agree that the sentence has been overused and is now a cliche?
A lot of Pastors are still using it, nonetheless. When you complain, they ask you to "sow a seed" (excluding tithes), and if it still dosen't change, you'll be asked to "sow a bigger seed". Now i ain't criticising them here, am just talking reality. 365 days of hoping and depending on what your Pastor says, is Bondage On Earth. We don't know which is the better part.
It's better for us now to look into ourselves and declare: WE ARE TIRED OF HEARING THAT! before it is too late. What do you think?
Happy Sunday!
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