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CHILD TRAINING: How To Keep Your Children From Being Sick

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To prevent your kids from getting sick, there are basic health precautions you must take. Here are some of those precautions as prescribed by health experts.
1. Regular hand-washing: This dramatically reduces the passing of respiratory and gastrointestinal illness. So get your kids in the habit of scrubbing up or using a hand sanitizer when they leave school and before they eat. Teach them to scrub for between 15-20 seconds before rinsing.
2. Daily active exercise: Regular, moderate exercise reduces the number of cold and flu episodes children usually have by 25-50 percent, possibly by boosting the circulation of infection-fighting cells; immunes them from other diseases; and males them physically and mentally fit.
3. Good sleep Make sure your kids stick to an early bedtime. Sleep deprivation nearly doubles the risk of getting a cold or flu. According to a paediatrician, most babies need approximately 14 hours of sleep a day; preschoolers especially need between 11-13 hours.
4. Personal hygiene: Let them develop healthy habits like brushing, flossing and bathing at least twice a day (i bath at least 4 times a day. Why? Christ, have you seen the heat?). Tell them the importance of keeping their bodies clean, and make them learn how to care for their skin and hair. Also, teach them never to share a straw, cup, or toothbrush.
5. Balanced diet: Meals with plenty of colourful fruits and vegetables will help boost your child's immune system. I usually have my soup or rice with vegetables everyday. I also recommend one egg per day for children.
6. Vaccination: Flu vaccination, is the single best way to prevent diseases. So what are you waiting for? Go vaccinate your child now, if you haven't done so.
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