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Possible Jamb Physics Cbt Questions and Answers

Are you writing physics in Jamb 2016?
Here's an update for you. The questions, Possible ones and the options to follow. If you can solve them, that's Good but don't forget to share the answers with the comment.

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JAMB 2016 Physics questions and answers
1. Which of the following is not a vector quantity
[a] Momentum
[b] Force
[c] Velocity
[d] Temperature
2. A boat man facing north wants to cross a flowing river to a point directly opposite it’s position at the other bank, if the river is following eastwards in what direction he row his boat?
[a]. East
[b] North-West
[c] North-East
[d] South-W
3. Which of the following is scalar quantity?
[a] momentum
[b] Acceleration
[c] Displacement
[d] Distance
4. Each of the following physical quantities is classified as a vector or scalar quantity. Which of the classifications is correct?
[a] Electric potential [vector]
[b] momentum [scalar]
[c] Gravitational field intensity [scalar]
[d] Magnetic flux density [vector]
5. Two forces 3N and 4N act on a body in direction due north and due east
[a] 5N, 53O east of north
[b] 5N, 53O west of south
[c] 5N, 31O north of east
[d]7N, 37O west of north.
6. Which of the following pairs of physical quantities comprises vectors?
[a] Capacitance and inductance
[b] Force ratio and velocity ratio
[c] energy & power
[d] electric field potential and electric field intensity
7. I A scalar quantity has only magnitude II A scalar quantity has both magnitude and direction III A vector quantity has both magnitude and direction IV. A vector quantity has only magnitude. Which of the above statement is/are correct?
[a] I only
[b] I and II only
[c] I and III only
[d] II and III only
8. The magnitude of the resultant of two forces 12N and 5N acting at right angles is equal to
[b] 13N
[c] 49N
[d] 60N
9. Three non-parallel coplanar forces which can be represented both in magnitude and direction by the three sides of a triangles taken in order will
[a] have any one force being the equilibrant of the other two
[b] make a body move randomly
[c] make a body along a straight line
10. Two 10N Forces are inclined at 30% to each other, the magnitude of the result force is
[a] 5.2N
[b] 10.0N
[c] 16
[d] 19.3N
11. The resultant of two forces P and Q is least when the angle between them is
[a] 180O
[b] 45O
[c] 60O
[d] 90O
12. The component of a vector in a given direction is
[a] Equal to the magnitude of the resultant vector in that direction
[b] equal to the magnitude of the resultant vector in the opposite direction
[c] its effective value in that direction
[d] its effective value in the opposite direction.
13. A bus travelling at 15ms-2 acceleration uniformly at 4ms-2 . What is the distance covered in 10s.
[a] 150m
[b] 170m
[c] 350m
[d] 600m
14. A body moving with uniform acceleration has two points [5,15 and 20, 60] on the velocity time graph of its motion. Calculate a
[a] 0.25ms-2
[b] 3.00ms-1
[c] 4.00ms-2
[d] 9.00ms-2
15. A body accelerates uniformly from rest at the rate of 3ms-2 for 8 seconds. Calculate the distance covered by the body during the acceleration,
[a] 12m
[b] 24m
[c] 48m
[d] 96m
16. A ball is projected horizontally from the top of a hill with a velocity of 20ms-2, if it reaches the ground 4 seconds later, what is the height of the hill.
[a] 20m
[b] 40m
[c] 80m
[d] 160m
17.An object is projected with velocity of 100ms-2 from the ground level at an angle 0 to the vertical, if the total time of flight of the projectile is 10s calculate 0.
[a] 0O
[b] 30O
[c] 45O
[d] 60O
18. At what angle to the horizontal must the nozzle of a machine gun be kept when firing to obtain a maximum horizontal range for the bullets?
[a] 0.0O
[b] 22.5O
[c] 30.0O
[d] 45.0O
19. An orange fruit to the ground from the top of a tree 43m tall.
How long does it take to reach the ground? [g=10m-2]
[a] 3.05s
[b] 4.5s
[c] 6.0s
[d] 7.5s
20. A ball of mass 5.0kg hits a smooth vertical wall normally with a speed of 2ms-2 and rebounds with the same speed. Determine the impulse experienced by the ball.
[a] 20.0kgms-1
[b] 10.0kgms-1
[c] 5.0kgms-1
[d] 1.3kgms-1
21. A body of a mass 4.2kg moving with velocity 10ms-1 due east, hits a stationary body of mass 2.8kg. If they stick together after collision and move with velocity V due east,
Calculate the V.
[a] 3ms-1
[b] 6ms-1
[c] 7ms-1
[d] 15ms-1s
22. The time rate of change of momentum is
[a] impulse
[b] force
[c] power
[d] pressure
23. A plane inclined at an angle of 30O to the horizontal has an efficiency of 50%. The force parallel to the plane required to push a load of 120N uniformly up the plane is
[a] 40V3N
[b] 60N
[c] 120N
[d] 200N

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