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Hilarious! Fascinating job Interview

OFFICER:- what is your name?
Monday:- M.P sir
OFFICER:- In full please
Monday:- Monday Philips
OFFICER:- your father's name?
Monday:- M.P sir
OFFICER:- what does that mean?
Monday:- Marthin Philips
OFFICER:- your native place?
Monday : M.P sir
OFFICER:- what's that?
Monday:- Mkpuma Province
OFFICER:- what is your
Monday:- M.P
OFFICER:- (angry) what is
Monday:- Mathematics Professor
OFFICER:- so why do you need a job?
Monday:- it is because of M.P sir
OFFICER: meaning?
Monday:- Money Problems
OFFICER:- would you explain yourself and stop
wasting my time? What's your personality like?
Monday: MP sir.
OFFICER: and what is that?
Monday:- Marvelous Personality
OFFICER:- I see... I will get back to you.
Monday:- sir, how was M.P sir?
OFFICER:- and what's that again?
Monday:- My Performance.
OFFICER:- I think u have M.P
Monday:- m.e.a.n.i.n.g?
OFFICER:- Mental Problem!!!
Don't laugh without telling me tank you, because you are my M.P. (My Person)


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