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STRANGE: Girl convinces mother to kill her father because he hates her boyfriend

A woman in the United Kingdom has been arrested for pouring anti-freeze into her husband’s wine because he didn’t accept her daughter’s boyfriend.

The 55-year-old woman, Jacqueline Patrick attempted to kill her 70-year-old husband, Douglas Patrick after she was incited by her 21-year-old daughter Katherine.
Problems began when the couple’s younger daughter brought home a boyfriend but Douglas refused to accept the boyfriend, and the mother wasn’t happy about his decision so she poured anti-freeze into a bottle of wine before giving it to her husband for dinner.
When Douglas Patrick fell ill the next morning, she called an ambulance and told paramedics that he suffers from kidney failure and the wine caused the condition to flare up again.
She faked a note from her husband, saying that he did not want to be revived and wanted to die with dignity with his family by his side.
He spent several days in an induced coma before having to learn to walk and talk again during a year of rehabilitation.
Police unraveled the mystery and prosecuted Jacqueline who was sentenced to 15 years in prison while her daughter got a 3 year sentence after pleading guilty to inciting her mother to administer a noxious substance.
The couple had been married for almost 30 years and had two children.


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