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List Of States In Nigeria That Biafra Agitators Want

Recently, there has been a renewed struggle for the Republic of Biafra by members of the Movement for the Actualization of Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) in Nigeria and outside the country.

Nearly 50 years after the Biafran War (July 6, 1967 – January 15, 1970) which almost destroyed the unity of Nigeria, its agitators have refused to give up the struggle.
It constituted the former Eastern region of Nigeria and was inhabited principally by Igbo (Ibo) people. Biafra has been commonly divided into four main “tribes”: the Igbos, the Ibibio-Efiks, the Ijaws and the Ogojas. If finally granted just like the South Sudan, these are the likely States that may be ceased to be in Nigeria:
Akwa Ibom
Cross River
Igbanke in Edo
Southern part of Benue state


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