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JOKE: It totally serves Akpors right this time, don’t you think?

This Akpors is just a stupid boy o. Hear him narrate his experience in the exam hall, as he refused to read and prepare himself for his exams.
AKPORS: As I bounced into the Exam hall,I had just one prayer on my mind, which is ‘God please let me sit near a person that knows book,cos the stupid boy i told to send me the answers on my phone looks like one who doesn’t have sense.’
God finally answered my prayer,the girl that i sat with was an Albino and she wore eyeglass that has rope, so i knew for sure that she knows book wella.
As the paper started, this girl started to misbehave o. She was just covering her answers, but me as a sharp guy,i was spying the answer from one deadly angle.
When it remained just 10 minutes to go, this girl caught me copying her and started shouting at me, but i just ignored her, since i had almost copied finish.
The next thing that i heard was my phone’s message tone and i thought to myself ‘This guy has finally sent the answer’ I sighed and then told the invigilator to give Me a fresh answer booklet. I tore the one that i had copied from the albino girl and used it to stone Her.
I kept the fresh booklet on top my table and used style to open the message,….i saw “To download IF YOU ASK ME by Omawumi, text *** to *** ……’


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