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P-Square And Assistant Manager Escapes Death in Auto Crash

Peter and Paul Okoye of the popular pop duo, Psquare, on Sunday, escaped death by whiskers in a ghastly auto-crash along the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway.
The Sensational R&B duo, suffered a crash in their ox-blood coloured Range Rover Sport Jeep on their way back from a concert staged in Ibadan, the Oyo state capital.

Peter who took to Instagram, narrated that an oncoming lorry bashed their as they were returning from a show alongside their assistant manager and lead drummer, Papi J Ameh.
Peter said, "Fans pls help us thank God. Myself @rudeboypsquare @papiijameh and our assistant manager @wandoskie had an accident early hours of today on our way back from a show in Ibadan. Along Lagos-Ibadan Express Road. A Lorry hit and dragged us for over 12 seconds. But Our Lord and Our God is always faithful and quick to show Mercy. Thank God we survived."


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