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'I Will Not Resign' - Deputy Speaker

The Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives in Nigeria, Honourable Yusuf Lasun, has insisted that he will not be forced to resign as the Deputy Speaker of the House.
Addressing members of the Abuja chapter of the Ilobu Development Association on Monday, Honourable Lasun said that the pressure being mounted on him to resign would amount to nothing because he was duly elected for the position.

The Deputy Speaker, however, said that if he succumbed to the pressure, it would amount to cheating members of his constituency, who elected him during the National Assembly election on March, 28.
Honourable Lasun stressed that those suggesting his resignation as a way of resolving the leadership tussle in the House only wanted to reap where they did not sow.
He claimed that Ilobu remained one of the strongest APC holds in the country, explaining that his emergence as the Deputy Speaker was nature’s way of rewarding loyalty to the party by his constituents.


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